Project: Fire Next Time
Main Image: Fire Next Time
Jacqueline Soohen is producing a series of stories, specifically designed to keep Katrina on the national agenda, that personalize larger public policy and racial and economic justice issues by showing how these issues intersect with the daily lives of Katrina survivors.
Jacqueline Soohen

Jacqueline Soohen is producing a series of cinema-verité vignettes that follow individual Katrina survivors in New Orleans. The stories, specifically designed to keep Katrina on the national agenda, personalize larger public policy and racial and economic justice issues by showing how those issues intersect with the daily lives of Katrina survivors.

Soohen served as co-producer, filmographer, and editor of the feature-length documentary Big Easy to Big Empty. Much of Soohen's work as a Katrina Media Fellow can be seen in her latest documentary project, Fire Next Time, which chronicles residents of New Orleans public housing as they fight for their right to return home. She has also been documenting the stories of legal and illegal migrant workers in New Orleans at the end of January, 2007, and using their experience to illuminate current immigration policies.